Sign up to the Corrective Specialist course bundle by making either a small deposit payment, or take advantage of 17% off your course fees via a one-off payment.
Option 1 - Course deposit
Course deposit
Start your course with a non-refundable deposit, then pay monthly through a payment plan via Premium Credit.
Achieve your level 2 gym instructor and personal trainer qualifications prior to completing your NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES) qualification.
As an additional bonus, complete our advanced business course for FREE (worth £999!) and understand how to turn this new knowledge into paying clients!
Active IQ Level 2 & 3 qualifications
NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist qualification (including the OPT course)
6, 9, 12 month repayment options via Premium Credit
FREE advanced business course worth £999
Total course cost: £2495.00
Option 2 - Full payment
Corrective Specialist
Qualify as a personal trainer by completing your level 2 gym instructor and personal trainer qualifications, then specialise in corrective exercise by completing the NASM Optimum Performance Model and Corrective Exercise Specialist qualifications.
Saving you £433.78!
Active IQ Level 2 & 3 qualifications
NASM CES qualification (including the OPT course)
Save over 17% by paying upfront!
FREE advanced business course worth £999!